The Value Add of Chief Sustainability Officers

"Moreover, in the years ahead, companies face historic decisions that may shape their futures for decades. Responsibility for these decisions should be with the executive because that’s the level at which strategic decisions occur. A CSO that reports to the CEO helps broaden the ESG debate from risk or compliance to strategy and capital."

-Deloitte, “The future of the Chief Sustainability Officer Sense-maker in chief” 

Companies want their c-suite executives to add strategic value. This means Chief Sustainability Officers are playing a greater role in key areas, including:

  • Revenue generation

  • Thought leadership creation

  • Synthesizing and communicating science information

  • Board advisement

  • Responding to shifting demands of shareholders, customers, and regulators

This Deloitte article gives a view into skills and approach CSOs need to drive results.

Credit and thanks for this wonderful paper and image Deloitte Navin Singh Mark Victor Jonathan Giliam  Lindy Schmaman Danilowitz

Keesa Schreane

Keesa Schreane is a highly in-demand author, keynote speaker, and consultant, whose expertise includes ESG, risk analysis, sustainable finance, and corporate reporting. Her work has appeared in outlets including Black Enterprise, Bloomberg, CNBC, CBS, Essence, FinTech TV, and Latina, and she serves on numerous boards and committees, including Ceres President’s Council.

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